martes, 15 de octubre de 2019

Personal infomation

Personal Information

Name: Ruth Lintelotl
Surname: López Vázquez
Age: 15 Yeats old
Address: Prolongación Emiliano Zapata s/n
Phone number: 5541172347

Free time activities
1. I read a book
2. I watch movies
3. He listened to música
4. Reviewed Facebook
5. I talk with my Friends

Members of muy family
1. My mother's name is Berenice, She's 37 years old, i sold "Tartalitas"
2. My father's name Israel, he's 40 years old, he work ar Gamesa.
3. Muy brother's name is Israel, he is 16 years old, he studies 2nd year of technical high school in mechatronics.
4. My brother's name is Martín, he is 7 years old, he studies 2nd year of primary school.

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